Warranty policy at chain stores GARA20 – Helmets and protective gear

I. Helmet warranty

  • All hat products purchased at Gara20 are guaranteed to be 100% genuine and have a 5-year technical warranty. Includes 2 years of genuine warranty, 3 years of extended warranty later from the Gara20 series.
  • Warranty coverage: Technical errors in locks, glasses, straps, tailwinds…, manufacturer’s fault.
  • No warranty: scratches, damage and wear and tear caused by use.
  • Particularly, sports hat products will be warranted for 6 months.

II. Protective glove warranty

LS2 gloves, EGO gloves warranty for 6 months against manufacturer defects. No warranty for damage caused by use.

III. Warranty for other accessories:

Product Warranty period
Yohe Bluetooth Headset 3 months
Rookie elbow and knee armor 6 months
LS2 Focal walkie-talkie 12 months
Safety vest LS2 Airy Man, Alba Man 12 months
Protective pants LS2 Vento Man 12 months
Raincoat set LS2 Tonic Man 12 months